The evolution of data driven operations

How does NUMEN AI work?

End-to-End Solution Hardware and Software Solution

Proven success
Chiller Replacement
IAG Australia used Numen identify inefficient chiller units, gather performance data and validate the investment in new assets.
This investment led to:
- Saving about AU$150,000 annually on energy costs and AU$600,000 to date.
- Paying back the investment in less than 3 years, according to validation data provided by Numen.
- Reducing carbon emissions by about 980 tonnes CO2e per year.
- Improving PUE from 1.6 to 1.4
Staff Reduction at remote server rooms
Numen’s 24/7 monitoring and notification system combined with it’s independent Internet connection allows efficient management of remote facilities:
- Reducing staff required to maintain facilities
- Knowing the cause of failures ensures correct staff is deployed
- Internet connectivity even with local network failure
Server Room Cooling Efficiency
Numen indicated unusually high duty cycles on AC units. On closer investigation, adverse interaction between an extraction fan and an FCU were discovered and corrected.
This action led to:
- 17% reduction in AC energy consumption
- Increased capacity of server room through optimised use of existing AC unit